Sunday, December 15, 2013

Animal Gallery Web Page

I decided on an all black background and all photos were going to be in Black and White. I wanted the photos simple and clear. I wanted my page to have a "family pet" theme. I think it is simple but easy to move around. All the reader needs to do is click on each photo and the image will move for viewing

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Draft for Navigation Page

Here is the draft for my webpage. The picture of the rapids is one that I shot in February. I wanted to create the photo in a frozen state.
I am so so with this draft....I am really struggling with this right now!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Recycle Paper/Save a Tree

This is my final front cover to my E-Card project. I used texture on the background of the tree to signfy crinkled up papter.

My middle page is the fact page. Hands imbracing a tree that needs to be planted.

The last page gives ideas on how you can help and recycle

Sunday, November 24, 2013

E Card - Recyle Paper & Save a Tree

I couldnt decide on what to draw for this weeks project so I went with recyle paper and save a tree. My cover will consist a picture of a tree with the words "recycle" hugging the tree and then a stack of paper with the words "rethink", "reduce", "reuse"......the middle will consist of "did you know facts".....with the back using icons such as hearts that state : Use both sides, Save a tree.....along with a picture of a tree with icon pictures of what beneifits trees have on our earth.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Revised Final Book Cover of Lena Horne

I made a few adjustments per the great feedback from my classmates
I have toned down red in the authors name so your not so drawn to it. I also resized the bar code and added a price to the book

Friday, November 15, 2013