Saturday, November 30, 2013

Recycle Paper/Save a Tree

This is my final front cover to my E-Card project. I used texture on the background of the tree to signfy crinkled up papter.

My middle page is the fact page. Hands imbracing a tree that needs to be planted.

The last page gives ideas on how you can help and recycle

Sunday, November 24, 2013

E Card - Recyle Paper & Save a Tree

I couldnt decide on what to draw for this weeks project so I went with recyle paper and save a tree. My cover will consist a picture of a tree with the words "recycle" hugging the tree and then a stack of paper with the words "rethink", "reduce", "reuse"......the middle will consist of "did you know facts".....with the back using icons such as hearts that state : Use both sides, Save a tree.....along with a picture of a tree with icon pictures of what beneifits trees have on our earth.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Revised Final Book Cover of Lena Horne

I made a few adjustments per the great feedback from my classmates
I have toned down red in the authors name so your not so drawn to it. I also resized the bar code and added a price to the book

Friday, November 15, 2013